Mr. Bloch's Classroom

Dear Parents and Students, 

     The English-Language Arts courses develop students' skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, while using Board approved literature texts.  Much emphasis is placed on reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, correct usage, grammar, and effective writing skills.  The structure of the courses leaves no room for poor student behavior.  If problems occur, parents will be notified.  Below is a condensed version of the classroom expectations and rules.

Homework:  Homework consists of assigned readings from the literature text, play, or novel.  On some occasions students will have to finish an essay that was started in class. 

Attendance:  Attending class each day is essential to success.  According to Board Policy 5121, any student who has ten or more unexcused absences in a semester or more than thirty total absences in a semester will receive no credit for the course(s).  My classes are interactive and contain direct instruction, notes, in-class readings, discussions, and board work.  Therefore, absent students are to collect notes from another student who was present, since it is virtually impossible to duplicate a lesson.

Participation:  Twenty percent of a student's grade is based on classroom participation.  Students receive no participation points on the days they are absent, but adjustments are mde for absences that are school related, such as field trips, away games, the Del Mar or Lakeside Fairs, etc. 

Make-up Work:  Students with excused absences are to make up work at lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Make-up work is not accepted if the absence is unexcused.

Late Work:  Late assignments receive a reduction in points.

Plagiarism, Cheating, and Copying:  Submitting someone else's work as your own is a serious academic offense and will result in no credit for the assignment, and disciplinary action.

     If you wish to contact me, please call my Voice Mail at 619-473-8601, Ext. 305, or send a note to my E-mail address:

James Bloch, Teacher -- English-Language Arts